


O propósito fundamental da ERITAGE é usar Arte como uma ferramenta para alcançar a evolução cultural e social, pois acreditamos que essa foi sua principal atribuição pelos séculos. Nosso programa de Atividades é dedicado à pluralidade artística e à liberdade criativa, onde diversas formas de arte convergem para criar experiências cativantes. O programa tem como objetivo desencadear nosso potencial como seres criativos e incentivar a nova cooperação por meio da produção artística compartilhada.

ERITAGE’s main purpose is to use Art as a tool to achieve cultural and social evolution, as we believe this has been its major role throughout the centuries. Our Activities program is dedicated to artistic plurality and creative freedom, where diverse art forms converge to create captivating experiences. The program aims to unleash our potential as creative beings and foster new cooperation through shared artistic production.

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The Art of Design | Braided Matrices Activity

  • Eritgage 128B Rua das Janelas Verdes Lisboa, Lisboa, 1200-692 Portugal (map)

21.10 | 7-9pm | The Art Of Design

Throughout the 20th century, several styles of avant-garde art helped shape modern art. Today, its influences can be found in art and design all over the world, whether within the walls of a museum or as a piece of furniture inside a house.

In order to bring art back into contact with everyday life, Henrique Salgado - founder of MID MOD - presents at Eritage a great collection of original furniture and lighting from this era, with a very specific design in which the sober lines intersect with vibrant colors and create an incredible dialogue with our current exhibition.

Entrance: FREE
