States of Play Part II: An Embodiment of Gesamtkunstwerk in Eritage
By: Bahia Kazemipour
We are all constant observers, attuned to the symphony of sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. Our senses weave a tapestry of awareness as we navigate the spaces we enter and exit, making decisions shaped by the whispers of our surroundings. Eritage invites us into an intentionally crafted multisensory experience, drawing in the observer, the curious passerby, with a unique allure.
As we delve into the second phase of States of Play, we uncover how Eritage creates an immersive aesthetic experience. In the mid-19th century, the German composer Richard Wagner introduced the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, a "total work of art" or "synthesis of the arts." This vision aspired to blend various artistic disciplines, engaging multiple senses in harmony. Just as Wagner dreamed of uniting music, poetry, drama, and visual arts, Eritage seamlessly integrates diverse art forms to create a space that invites play and exploration.
Eritage’s States of Play Part II embodies the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, accompanied by eight international artists: Abel B Burger (France), Jamel Armand (Netherlands), Kylie Wentzel (South Africa), Mafia Tabak (Austria), Martin Daiber (Chile), Steven Smith (UK), Expanded Eye (UK), and David Shillinglaw (UK). Much like the multi-media style pursued by Dadaists such as Hugo Ball, States of Play Part II is a true Gesamtkunstwerk.
These artists use various mediums and materials, playing with textures, surfaces, scales, and aesthetics to create a cohesive and immersive experience. David Shillinglaw, for instance, stitches and paints found fabric on cotton canvas, creating his unique and specific micro-universe, where every ingredient has been placed relevantly. Similar fabric structures in Martin Daiber’s works integrate cubistic elements by blending acrylic, spray paint, and paper on canvas. Expanded Eye and Jamel Armand explore mixed-media collages, constructing figures that imitate human bodies. Meanwhile, Mafia Tabak works in an abstract, dreamy world, composed of ink, pencil, and charcoal. Stephen Smith uses acrylic, oil sticks, and collages on paper, whereas Abel B Burger employs graphite, colored pencils, and wax pencils on wood surfaces. By merging these diverse artistic methods, the States of Play Part II dissolves the boundaries between individual art forms, producing a powerful emotional impact on the audience. This collaborative dialogue among the artists fosters a state of play, akin to a child experimenting with unique materials and innovating novel imaginations, embodying the essence of a Gesamtkunstwerk.
Eritage is not just a gallery; it is an immersive experience. Vintage furniture is arranged throughout the space, encouraging dialogue among guests, much like the salons of the 18th century that served as important hubs for intellectual exchange. A pair of 2002 bowling pin table lamps light up a corner with a warm orange and purple glow, while another corner radiates a red aura from a Gaetano Sciolari Sputnik Floor Lamp from the 1970s. The space is filled with eclectic furniture, including an Italian Midcentury Trolley Bar from the 1970s, experimental lamps from the 1960s, and Italian tubular chrome steel dining chairs. This interactive environment invites exploration, with unique pieces that can be sat on, used as platforms, or admired as sources of light, creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere for all who visit. The plethora of emotions experienced while walking around, sitting, and conversing is amplified by the sound of smooth jazz, samba, or funk filling the entire space.
Taste is seamlessly integrated into the experience of States of Play Part II. Canto, a bar in the corner of Eritage, is a new addition to Eritage’s gesamtkunstwerk. Canto serves natural wines that delicately touch the taste buds of observers, uniquely and harmoniously complementing the art and catalyzing new insights. The enticing tastes and aromas of homemade sourdough pizza and fresh oysters fill the space of Eritage as the sun sets. Laughter, chatter, and natural wine enhance the multisensory experience at Eritage.
To explore States of Play Part II is to be immersed in a multisensory exploration of art, beauty, and sensations. Wagner’s popularized term Gesamtkunstwerk is reflected in the space of Eritage, where curiosity flourishes. Eritage creates an overall harmonizing effect, allowing the dialogue of furniture, music, multimedia art, drinks, and food to flourish.