Maria Lynch | photo: Lucca Miranda
AGO - DEC 19 | MAria Lynch
Maria Lynch é uma artista multidisciplinar nascida em 1981 no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A presente exposição Passes, é a primeira individual da artista carioca em Portugal, resultado de um período de 5 meses em residência artística.
Maria Lynch is a multidisciplinary artist born in 1981, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The current exhibition Passes is the first solo exhibition of the Carioca artist in Portugal, the result of a 5-month artistic residency.
A sua investigação começou no campo pictórico, seguindo-se a desconstrução dos limites do corpo como traje através de instalações sensoriais e performances. Nesta exibição, Lynch desenvolve painéis grandes de pintura com cores que transportam energias plasmadas, envolvendo o eixo central do espaço, através de uma evocação sonora desenvolvida em colaboração com o artista português João Bento. Juntos, abrem e exploram caminhos para uma experiência nomádica e portais pictóricos, permitindo que o espectador se mova constantemente do cognitivo para o sensorial e emocional.
Her investigation has started in the pictorial form, followed by the deconstruction of the limits of the body via sensorial installations and performances. In this exhibition, Lynch develops big panels of paintings with colours that transport us to plasmatic energies, engaging the central axis of the space, which are supported by a soundtrack created in collaboration with the Portuguese artist João Bento. Together, they open and explore new ways of feeling this nomadic experience and pictorial portals, allowing the viewer to move freely from the cognitive to the sensorial and emotional spaces.
Através de experiências/rituais para descorporificar o substrato do ser-máquina, Maria propõe uma pausa, não para uma reflexão mental, mas para este corpo/fronteira que age contra os seus poderes extraordinários. Os estados de impermanência da consciência são muito importantes para atingir essa Oeuvre.
With experiences/rituals that deconstruct the machine-being Maria invites us to pause. This is not a mental reflection but a body/border that acts against its extraordinary powers. These states of the impermanence of our consciousness are fundamental to attain that state.
Maria Lynch explora este corpo sem órgão, o mesmo que Gilles Deleuze tanto aborda. Um corpo onde é preciso esquecer as memórias que nos definem como ser unívoco e identitário para criar novos espaços, tornar-se outro, indistinto, uma outra totalidade infinita, despindo-se deste ser preso em escolhas, limitado pela experiência e confundido no que em sí se manifesta.
Maria Lynch experiments her affections in a body without organ, the same Gilles Deleuze talks about, where we need to forget the memories that define us as a unique and identified being, to create new spaces, become other, indistinctive, another infinite totality, freeing itself from choices, confused by its own past experiences.
Maria Lynch | Bio
The artist was born in 1981 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she is current living and working between NY and Rio de Janeiro. In 2008, she earned an MA and a Post-Graduate Diploma from Chelsea College of Art and Design in London.
Her main exhibitions include ‘The Jerwood Drawing Prize’, a traveling exhibit shown in London and across England in 2008, ‘Nova Arte Nova’, at CCBB Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo curated by Paulo Venâncio. In 2010 she was contemplated with the Marcantônio Vilaça Funarte Prize. In 2011 she was invited to the 6th Bienal de Curitiba, Vento Sul curated by Alfons Hug. In 2012, Maria showed the installation ‘Ocupação Macia’ at the Paço Imperial Museum, Rio de Janeiro, and the performance ‘Incorporáveis’ at Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro. The artist was invited to participate in the ‘London Olympics Games Exhibit’ at the Barbican Centre. In 2013, Maria has done the solo show ‘Acontecimento Encarnado’ at Anita Schwartz Gallery in Rio de Janeiro, won the selection for a public art competition at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, RJ, Brazil and show ‘Bordalianos do Brasil’ at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal.
After completing the Residency Unlimited, NY, USA in 2014, she was awarded with the NY Embasy Prize and Award in NY for an Individual exhibition at the Storefront For Art And Architecture, NY, USA, which was part of Ideas City Festival - New Museum, NY.
In the year 2016, Maria made a solo exhibition, Spaces and Spetacles, at the Wilding Cran Gallery in Los Angeles. In 2017 she opened a solo exhibition titled Máquina Devir at Oi Futuro Rio de Janeiro and was selected for the program Pacif Standart Time, with an exhibition in Los Angeles. In 2018, Maria participated in some exhibitions, like TRIO Biennial and Mulheres na Coleção do Museu de Arte do Rio - MAR.
read more about the exhibition PASSES