An Independent School of Creative Activities arrives in Lisbon
Perestroika | Wozen Activities
Since 2017, we have been cultivating enriching learning experiences alongside the great Jean Philippe Rosier , Ted-X speaker, founder of Perestroika and co-founder of Sputnik | Educação Corporativa
"Explore diverse perspectives and make connections between your knowledge. Completely different learnings experiences can enrich your understanding and provide a broader vision of possibilities."
How is your company fostering experiences to unleash the creative power of your team? For more information and how we can tailor the activity to meet your organization's needs, please reach out to us.
PERESTROIKA - an Independent School of Creative Activities, having offices in 5 brazilian capitals. Always engaging creativity, the courses address various subjects. From Poker to Entrepreneurship, passing through Fashion, visiting Architecture. diving into Feminist theory, amongst several others. Also using always the School`s methodology: Experience Learning, and as the name suggests, it is fully based upon experience. In partnership with Wozen, Perestroika launched its first module in Lisbon, with 4 classes of introduction to the creative process.
PERESTROIKA - Escola Independente de Atividades Criativas, com sede em 5 capitais brasileiras. Sempre com um viés criativo, os cursos abordam os mais diferentes assuntos. Do Poker ao Empreendedorismo, passando pela Moda, visitando a Arquitetura, mergulhando em Teoria Feminista, entre muitos outros temas. E sempre com a metodologia própria desenvolvida pela Escola: a Experience Learning, que como o nome sugere, é totalmente baseada na experiência. Em parceria com a Wozen, a Perestroika lançou seu primeiro módulo em Lisboa, com quatro aulas de introdução ao processo criativo.